How to Care for Malay Chickens – Prevent Diseases from a Young Age

How to Care for Malay Chickens

How to Care for Malay Chickens? – A topic that breeders are very interested in because this type of chicken is increasingly popular. How can you identify this type of chicken and how should you raise it to ensure its physical condition?

Overview of the Malay chicken line

Malay chickens are known to originate from England when professional chicken players imported them from India. In terms of appearance, the Malay chicken line has maintained its majestic, strong characteristics to this day.

Since 1830, this type of chicken has undergone many breeding versions to preserve its quality and beautiful appearance. To date, you can find Malay chickens mainly in the United States and Europe. Regarding how to care for Malay chickens, breeders often rate them as difficult to raise and they do not have the advantage of egg production.

How to Care for Malay Chickens that breeders need to know

If you want to raise them but still don’t know how to care for Malay chickens, you should learn through the following instructions. Sulit777 will analyze based on each aspect of health, disease prevention, … here.

Health issues

Malay chicken care in terms of physical condition is generally quite easy because their physique is solid and their physical condition is stable. Only those that move frequently with a majestic body will cause the condition of wrinkled feet. Breeders need to observe regularly to see which chickens have their weight put on one leg or are injured in some part.

In addition, the Malay line usually only has health problems for newly laid chicks. Because when they are young, they are very susceptible to problems related to growth. If breeders provide them with too much protein, it can lead to rapid growth.

From the beginning, breeders should establish a reasonable diet for chicks, full of vitamins but should limit protein. At the same time, let them exercise daily in the form of free-range, this factor combined with appropriate nutrition will help chickens achieve the best physical condition.

Disease problems

How to Care for Malay Chickens that breeders need to know
How to Care for Malay Chickens that breeders need to know

In the care of Malay chickens, you need to thoroughly understand the types of diseases they are at risk of contracting. The most common pathogen in this breed of chicken is coccidiosis, which is a disease related to parasites. When infected, the chicken’s digestive system will be attacked, the most severe can lead to death.

Drive away this disease by adding additives to their daily food. Breeders should pay attention to mixtures such as apple cider vinegar, oregano oil, garlic, and probiotics, … These substances can produce probiotics, natural antibiotics, and immune-boosting substances.

Living space issues

Malay chicken care is suitable for experienced cockfighters from mid-level up. Although this is not a difficult breed to raise, you will have to deal with their aggression. Therefore, if it is a male chicken, you should keep it in a separate cage or combine it with 1-2 females.

Some breeders understand the nature of chickens so they do not tend to confine them. When living in a cramped space, this breed of chicken will become stressed and even pluck feathers on its body. The best way is to let them move freely in a controlled space.

Signs to help you identify Malay chickens

For Malay chickens, you can identify them through the following basic characteristics:

General standards

Height is a prominent factor of Malay chickens, ranging from 26 inches to 35 inches. They possess a majestic standing with a muscular body, long legs, and long neck and weigh from about 9 pounds to 11 pounds.

The common feather colors of the chicken line are golden brown, white, and black, and are very hard and shiny. The beak is usually yellow and the head is relatively large, with large eyes covering the head.

Egg production level

Signs to help you identify Malay chickens
Signs to help you identify Malay chickens

Although they can lay eggs, those who have applied the way to care for Malay chickens say that the number produced is not much. Each year, they usually lay only once and most of it occurs during the warm weather months.

On average, each bird/1 year only produces about 70 – 120 eggs. This number will continue to decrease based on their increasingly weakened lifespan.


How to care for Malay chickens with experience improving from health to living environment has been analyzed in detail by Sulit777. Please follow all instructions to ensure that your chicken breed will achieve the highest physical condition and be immune to all diseases.

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